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  • Exciting Events at Eliud International School

    Stay updated with the latest happenings at our school

  • Student Spotlights

    Get inspired by the achievements of our students

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    Rising Star: Aisha's Journey to Academic Excellence

    Aisha's dedication to her studies and involvement in extracurricular activities has earned her recognition as a rising star at Eliud International School. Her passion for learning and leadership qualities make her a role model for her peers.
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    Overcoming Adversity: John's Inspiring Story

    Despite facing challenges, John's resilience and determination have propelled him to academic success at Eliud International School. His story serves as a testament to the supportive and nurturing environment that fosters growth and achievement at our school.
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    Empowering Dreams: Maria's Journey to Artistic Excellence

    Maria's artistic talents and creative expression have flourished at Eliud International School, where she has found a supportive platform to pursue her passion for the arts. Her journey showcases the holistic development encouraged at our school.
  • Educational Insights

    Discover valuable tips and strategies for academic success

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    Fostering a Growth Mindset in Students

    Encouraging a growth mindset in students can enhance their resilience, motivation, and willingness to embrace challenges. At Eliud International School, we prioritize nurturing a growth mindset to empower students for lifelong learning and success.
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    The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

    Participation in extracurricular activities not only enriches the educational experience but also fosters essential life skills such as teamwork, time management, and leadership. Eliud International School integrates a diverse range of extracurricular activities to complement academic learning.
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    Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom

    Cultivating creativity in the classroom can inspire innovative thinking, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of subject matter. Our educators at Eliud International School employ various strategies to foster creativity and critical thinking skills among students.